My post-graduate students, collectively referred to as the HERD (Heinsohn Ecological Research Division) work in a variety of areas including behavioural ecology, conservation biology and community ecology. Much of the research is carried out in remote regions such as Papua New Guinea, Cape York Peninsula, the Australian arid zone and southern Africa. Topics include bird migration, cooperative breeding and mating systems, animal personalities, biology of endangered species, human-wildlife conflict, and landscape ecology.
Rachael Lowe
commenced in 2019
Rachael is studying the threats to elephants in southern Africa, especially the impacts of climate change.
Janneke Webb
commenced in 2018
Janneke is studying the biology and threat to native birds from introduced rainbow lorikeets in Tasmania.
Fernanda Alves
commenced in 2018
Fernanda is studying the conservation biology of endangered forty-spotted pardalotes in Tasmania, with a view to re-establishing populations in their old range on the main island.
Adam Cisterne
commenced in 2018
Adam is studying endangered masked owls in the forests of Tasmania.
Georgia Troup